Sunday, July 11, 2010

Getting caught up in the game

One of the things I always reminded myself to be wary of, was ‘getting caught up in the game’. What do I mean by that? There are a lot of common sayings that relate to it such as ‘not moving forward’ or ‘stuck in a rut’. For those of us with jobs we hate it means the endless cycle of wake up, work, rinse and repeat...and then maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get a promotion. For others with unfulfilling relationships, it means wake up, pander to the others needs...and then maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get laid. Basically it means giving up on your dreams and learning to be content with just getting by. Now just getting by isn’t the easiest thing in the world, and you can’t always get what you want. But as long as you are doing one thing every while to reach outwards into your greatest hopes I think you are doing yourself a great service.

So I hope to not only use this blog to record my musings and the everyday actions of life, but to also have that reminder to not lose sight of your overall objectives in life. And if I can develop some kind of audience that will feed my ego and keep me honest, then all the better!